tidytransit - Read, Validate, Analyze, and Map GTFS Feeds
Read General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) zipfiles into a list of R dataframes. Perform validation of the data structure against the specification. Analyze the headways and frequencies at routes and stops. Create maps and perform spatial analysis on the routes and stops. Please see the GTFS documentation here for more detail: <https://gtfs.org/>.
Last updated 27 days ago
10.49 score 151 stars 1 dependents 272 scripts 905 downloads
gtfsio - Read and Write General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Files
Tools for the development of packages related to General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) files. Establishes a standard for representing GTFS feeds using R data types. Provides fast and flexible functions to read and write GTFS feeds while sticking to this standard. Defines a basic 'gtfs' class which is meant to be extended by packages that depend on it. And offers utility functions that support checking the structure of GTFS objects.
Last updated 2 days ago
7.49 score 14 stars 5 dependents 13 scripts 1.1k downloads